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Donor Levels

All individual donors receive recognition in our show programs listed with your level of contribution. Director level donations will assist in fundingIllinois High School Theatre Festival admission fees, show production rights, professional production tickets, larger theatre-related field trips, updated technology for our productions, and storage for our materials.


All individual donors receive recognition in our show programs listed with your level of contribution. Producer level donations will assist in funding Illinois High School Theatre Festival admission fees, professional production tickets, and larger theatre-related field trips.

Stage Manager

All individual donors receive recognition in our show programs listed with your level of contribution. Stage Manager level donations will assist in funding costumes, set materials, Illinois High School Theatre Festival admission fees, professional production tickets, and other educational theatre opportunities for our students.

Crew Member

All individual donors receive recognition in our show programs listed with your level of contribution. Crew Member level donations will assist in funding costumes, set materials, Illinois High School Theatre Festival admission fees, professional production tickets, and other educational theatre opportunities for our students.

Cast Member

All individual donors receive recognition in our show programs listed with your level of contribution. Cast Member level donations will assist in funding costumes, set materials, provide food for theatre club members at events, and assist in providing educational opportunities for our students.


All individual donors receive recognition in our show programs listed with your level of contribution. Patron level donations will assist in funding costumes, set materials, provide food for theatre club members at events, and assist in providing educational opportunities for our students.
